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Zeigt 1 - 151 of 151 (Bibliograhpie: WIKINDX Gesamtbibliographie)
Kategorie:  Computerspielphilologie/GameStudies
Aarseth, Espen. 2001. Computer Game Studies, Year One. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.48%
___. 2006. Warum Game Studies? Edited by W. Kaminski and M. Lorber. In Clash of Realities 2006. Computerspiele und soziale Wirklichkeit, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.65%
Literatur als Spiel: Evolutionsbiologische ästhetische und pädagogische Konzepte. 2009. Edited by T. Anz. Vol. 22, Spectrum Literaturwissenschaft. Berlin: de Gruyter. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.1%
Apperley, Thomas. 2006. Genre and game studies: Toward a critical approach to video game genres. Simulation & Gaming 37 (1):6–23. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.1%
Arsenault, Dominic. 2005. Abstract of Dynamic Range: When Game Design and Narratives Unite. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference at Vancouver. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.53%
Videogame, player, text. 2007. Edited by B. Atkins. Manchester: Manchester University Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.98%
Atkins, Barry. 2008. More Than a Game: The Computer Game as Fictionalform. Manchester University Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.69%
Backe, Hans-Joachim. 2008. Strukturen und Funktionen des Erzählens im Computerspiel: Eine typologische Einführung. Vol. Bd. 44, Saarbrücker Beiträge zur vergleichenden Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.24%
Bainbridge, William Sims. 2010. The Warcraft Civilization: Social Science in a Virtual World: Social Science in a Virtual World. MIT Press Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.46%
The state of play: Law games and virtual worlds. 2006. Edited by J. M. Balkin. Ex machina. New York: New York Univ. Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.09%
Selves and identities in narrative and discourse. 2007. Edited by M. Bamberg. Vol. 9, Studies in narrative. Amsterdam: Benjamins. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.32%
Bartle, Richard A. 2006. Designing virtual worlds. Designing virtual worlds, Richard A. Bartle. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.79%
Bünger, Traudl. 2005. Narrative Computerspiele. kopaed Hochschulschriften. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3%
Beil, Benjamin. 2010. First Person Perspectives: Point of View und figurenzentrierte Erzählformen im Film und im Computerspiel. 1., Aufl. ed. Lit Verlag. von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 3.63%
Bertho, Sophie and Bodo Plachta. 2008. Die Herkulesarbeiten der Philologie. Die Herkulesarbeiten der Philologie, hrsg. von Sophie Bertho und Bodo Plachta. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.46%
Computerspiele und Politik: Zur Konstruktion von Politik und Gesellschaft in Computerspielen. 2007. Edited by T. Bevc. Vol. 5, Studien zur visuellen Politik. Berlin , Münster: Lit. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.02%
Bogost, Ian. 2006. Unit operations: An approach to videogame criticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.74%
Identität und virtuelle Beziehungen im Computerspiel. 2010. Edited by C. Bohrer and B. Schwarz-Boenneke. München: kopaed. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.07%
Brand, Jeffrey, Scott Knight, and Jakub Majewski. 2003. The Diverse Worlds of Computer Games: A Content Analysis of Spaces, Populations, Styles and Narratives. In Level Up Conference Proceedings, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.4%
Bruns, Karin. 2007. Reader Neue Medien: Texte zur digitalen Kultur und Kommunikation. Vol. 18, Cultural studies. Bielefeld: Transcript. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.34%
"Computerspiele: Dossier." [Available Online] 06.12.2005. [cited March 29, 2011] Available from http://www.bpb.de/theme ... 0,0,Computerspiele.html. von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 4.2%
Bushoff, Brunhild. 2005. Developing interactive narrative content: Sagas_sagasnet_reader. 1. Aufl. ed. München: HighText. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.98%
Butler, Mark. 2007. Would you like to play a game?  Die Kultur des Computerspielens. Vol. 14, Kaleidogramme. Berlin: KulturVerlag Kadmos. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.58%
Carr, Diane, David Buckingham, Andrew Burn, and Gareth Schott. 2006. Computer Games: Text, Narrative and Play: Text, Narrative and Play. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.44%
de Castell, Suzanne and Jennifer Jenson. 2007. Worlds in Play: International Perspectives on Digital Games Research. Lang, Peter New York. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.58%
Clarke, Andy. 2007. Videogames and art. 1. Publishing in the UK ed. Bristol: Intellect. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.24%
Collins, Karen. 2008. Game sound: An introduction to the history theory and practice of video game music and sound design. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.91%
From Pac-Man to pop music: Interactive Audio in Games and New Media. 2008. Edited by K. Collins. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 6.63%
Consalvo, Mia. 2007. Cheating: Gaining advantage in videogames. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.81%
Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader: A World of Warcraft Reader. 2008. Edited by H. G. Corneliussen and J. W. Rettberg. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]: MIT Press Ltd. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 4.99%
Crogan, Patrick. 2005. Playing Through: The Future of Alternative and Critical Game Projects. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference at Vancouver. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.17%
Darley, Andrew. 2007. Visual digital culture: Surface play and spectacle in new media genres. 1. Publishing, transferred to digital print. ed. Sussex studies in culture and communication. London: Routledge. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.8%
Debusmann, Sylvia. 2007. Handlungsfreiheit und Virtualität: Zur ethischen Dimension der Computerfiktion. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.72%
Game over!?  Perspektiven des Computerspiels. 2008. Edited by J. Distelmeyer. Vol. 1, Metabasis. Bielefeld: Transcript. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.72%
Dovey, Jon and Helen W. Kennedy. 2006. Game cultures: Computer games as new media. 1. Publishing ed. Issues in cultural and media studies. Maidenhead: Open Univ. Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.53%
Dutton, Nathan and Mia Consalvo. 2006. Game analysis: Developing a methodological toolkit for the qualitative study of games. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.58%
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon. 2008. Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction. Understanding Video Games. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.35%
Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture. [Http://www.eludamos.org/index.php/eludamos]. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.99%
The play within the play. 2007. Edited by G. Fischer. Vol. 112, Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft. Amsterdam: Rodopi. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.14%
Fludernik, Monika. 2006. Einführung in die Erzähltheorie. Einführung Literaturwissenschaft. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.96%
Frasca, Gonzalo. 2003. Ludologists love stories, too: Notes from a debate that never took place. Paper read at Level Up Conference Proceedings. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.31%
Games and Culture. [Http://gac.sagepub.com/]. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.13%
Garrand, Timothy Paul. 2006. Writing for multimedia and the Web: A practical guide to content development for interactive media. Writing for multimedia and the Web, a practical guide to content development for interactive media, Timothy Garrand. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.56%
Göbel, Stefan. 2006. Technologies for interactive digital storytelling and entertainment: Third International Conference TIDSE 2006 Darmstadt Germany December 4-6 2006 ; proceedings. Vol. 4326, Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin: Springer. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.25%
Conference Proceedings of The Philosophy of Computer Games 2008; 2009. Edited by S. Günzel, M. Liebe and M. Dieter. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.58%
The Aesthetics of net literature: Writing reading and playing in programmable media. 2007. Edited by P. Gendolla. Vol. 16, Medienumbrüche. Bielefeld: Transcript. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.99%
Gomes, Renata. 2005. The Design of Narrative as an Immersive Simulation. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.84%
Grabes, Herbert. 2008. Making strange: Beauty sublimity and the (post)modern third aesthetic. Vol. 42, Postmodern studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.92%
Computerspiele - neue Herausforderungen für die Ethik? 2010. Edited by P. Grimm. Vol. 8, Medienethik. Stuttgart: Steiner. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.04%
Gunder, Anna. 2003. As if by Magic: On Harry Potter as a Novel and Computer Game. In Level Up Conference Proceedings, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.18%
Sound and music in film and visual media: An overview. 2009. Edited by G. Harper. New York, NY: Continuum. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.95%
Harrigan, Pat. 2007. Second person: Role-playing and story in games and playable media. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.96%
Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives. 2009. Edited by P. Harrigan and N. Wardrip-Fruin. MIT Press Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.53%
Hartmann, Bernd. 2004. Literatur, Film und das Computerspiel. Beiträge zur Medienästhetik und Mediengeschichte. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.73%
Heliö, Satu. 2005. Simulating the Storytelling Qualities of Life: Telling Stories with the Sims. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 96.05%
van Herik, Jaap den. 2006. Computers and games: 4th International Conference CG 2004 Ramat-Gan Israel July 5 -7 2004 ; revised papers. Vol. 3846, Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin: Springer. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 6.19%
___. 2007. Computers and games: 5th International Conference CG 2006 Turin Italy May 29-31 2006 ; revised papers. Vol. 4630, Lecture notes in computer science. Berlin: Springer. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.04%
Hsiao, Hui-Chun. 2009. Identity Construction, Reflective Learning, and Digital Game. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.44%
Iurgel, Ido A., Nelson Zagalo, and Paolo Petta. 2009. Interactive storytelling: Second Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2009, Guimarães, Portugal, December 9-11, 2009 ; proceedings. Interactive storytelling, second Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2009, Guimarães, Portugal, December 9-11, 2009 ; proceedings, Ido A. Iurgel; Nelson Zagalo; Paolo Petta (eds.) 5915. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.45%
Jørgensen, Kristine. 2009. A comprehensive study of sound in computer games: How audio affects player action. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 100%
Jones, Steven E. 2008. The meaning of video games: Gaming and textual strategies. 1. Publishing ed. London: Routledge. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.69%
Juul, Jesper. The Ludologist. [Http://www.jesperjuul.net/ludologist/]. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.28%
___. 2001. Games Telling stories? -A brief note on games and narratives. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.36%
___. 2005. Half-real: Video games between real rules and fictional worlds. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.67%
___. 2009. The Magic Circle and the Puzzle Piece. Paper read at Conference Proceedings of The Philosophy of Computer Games 2008 at Potsdam. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.75%
Kaminski, Winfred. 2008. Clash of Realities 2008. Spielen in digitalen Welten. München: kopaed. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.75%
Kauhanen, Marty. 2010. Examining support of narrative scripting for serious games. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = Bibliotháeque et Archives Canada. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.7%
Kücklich, Julian. 16.07.2010. Interview mit Julian Kücklich. [http://www.4players.de/4players.php/dispbericht/PC-CDROM/Special/23738/68893/0/Game\textbackslash\textbackslash_Design.html]. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 3.82%
___. 2001. Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Text: Literaturwissenschaften und Computerspiele. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.34%
___. 2008. Playability: Prolegomena zu einer Computerspielphilologie. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 3.38%
___. 2009. Narratologische Ansätze ? Computerspiele als Erzählungen. Edited by T. Bevc and H. Zapf. In Wie wir spielen, was wir werden. Computerspiele in unserer Gesellschaft, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.04%
Keitel, Evelyne. 2003. Computerspiele. Eine Provokation für die Kulturwissenschaften? Lengerich: Pabst. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 6.87%
Kindt, Tom. 2003. What is narratology? Questions and Answers regarding the Status of a Theory. Narratologia. Berlin: de Gruyter. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.65%
King, Geoff and Tanya Krzywinska. 2005. Tomb Raiders and Space Invaders. I.B.Tauris &amp and Co Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.37%
___. 2006. Tomb Raiders and space invaders: Videogame forms and contexts. New York, NY: Tauris. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.42%
Hyperkultur: Zur Fiktion des Computerzeitalters. 1996. Edited by M. Klepper, R. Mayer and E.-P. Schneck. Berlin [u.a.]: Gruyter. bearbeitet von: wikindxadmin  v    Pop. 4.23%
Klimmt, Christoph. 2006. Computerspielen als Handlung: Dimensionen und Determinanten des Erlebens interaktiver Unterhaltungsangebote. Vol. 2, Unterhaltungsforschung. Köln: Halem. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.03%
Kocher, Mela. 2006. Der ludoliterarische Typenkreis. Analyse und Kategorisierung von Cybertexten. Edited by W. Kaminski and M. Lorber. In Clash of Realities 2006. Computerspiele und soziale Wirklichkeit, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.65%
___. 2007. Folge dem Pixelkaninchen!  Ästhetik und Narrativität digitaler Spiele. Vol. 28, Arbeitsberichte des SIKJM. Zürich: Chronos. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 5.17%
Konzack, Lars. 2002. Computer Game Criticism: A Method for Computer Game Analysis. In Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference Proceedings, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.12%
Korbel, Leonhard. 2009. Zeit und Raum im Computerspiel: Ein narratologischer Ansatz. München: AVM. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.44%
Korn, Andreas. 2005. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Ästhetik des digitalen Bildes: Von traditionellen Immersionsmedien zum Computerspiel. Aachen: Shaker. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.98%
Kringiel, Danny. 2009. Computerspielanalyse konkret. Methoden und Instrumente - erprobt an Max Payne 2. München: kopaed. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 23.02%
Løvlie, Anders Sundnes. 2005. End of story? Quest, narrative and enactment in computer games. Paper read at Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views ? Worlds in Play. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.43%
Lehman, Peter and William G. Luhr. 2008. Thinking About Movies: Watching, Questioning, Enjoying: Watching, Questioning, Enjoying. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.83%
Leschke, Rainer. 2007. Spielformen im Spielfilm: Zur Medienmorphologie des Kinos nach der Postmoderne. Vol. 22, Medienumbrüche. Bielefeld: Transcript. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 6.58%
Lindley, Craig A. 2002. The Gameplay Gestalt, Narrative, and Interactive Storytelling. Paper read at Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference Proceedings. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.27%
MacCallum-Stewart, Esther. 2009. ?What sort of Fish was it?? How Players Understand their Narrative in Online Games. Paper read at Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.34%
Malliet, Steven. 2007. Adapting the Principles of Ludology to the Method of Video Game Content Analysis. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.26%
Marks, Aaron and Jeannie Novak. 2009. Game development essentials: Game audio development. Game development essentials, game audio development, Aaron Marks; Jeannie Novak. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.38%
Martinez, Matias. 2002. Einführung in die Erzähltheorie. C.-H.-Beck-Studium. München: Beck. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.04%
Mateas, Michael. 2005. Build It to Understand It: Ludology Meets Narratology in Game Design Space. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.72%
Müller, Corinna. 2007. Mediale Ordnungen: Erzählen Archivieren Beschreiben. Vol. 15, Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Film und Fernsehen (GFF). Marburg: Schüren-Verlag. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.79%
Transmedialität: Zur Ästhetik paraliterarischer Verfahren. 2006. Edited by U. Meyer. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.87%
Miller, Carolyn Handler. 2008. Digital Storytelling: A Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment: A Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment. Elsevier Science &amp and Technology. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.18%
Monaghan, Leila Frances and Jane E. Goodman. 2007. A cultural approach to interpersonal communication: Essential readings. Malden MA: Blackwell Pub. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.84%
Murray, Janet H. 1997. Hamlet on the holodeck. The future of narrative in cyberspace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.72%
Myers, David. 2003. The attack of the backstories (and why they won't win). Paper read at Level Up Conference Proceedings. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.01%
Myerson, Roger B. 2007. Force and restraint in strategic deterrence: A game-theorist's perspective. Advancing strategic thought series. Carlisle PA: Strategic Studies Institute U.S. Army War College. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.72%
Nacke, Lennart. 2009. Affective Ludology, Flow and Immersion in a First- Person Shooter: Measurement of Player Experience. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.58%
Nanamaker, Benjamin. 2005. Emergent gameplay the limits of ludology and narratology in analyzing video game narrative. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 5.13%
Nünning, Ansgar. 2002. Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie. Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verlag Trier. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.42%
Neitzel. 2008. Das Computerspiel als Leitmedium des 21. Jahrhunderts. Edited by M. Lorber and W. Kaminski. In Clash of Realities 2008. Spielen in digitalen Welten, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.29%
Neitzel, Britta. Computer - Spiele - Forschung. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.36%
___. 2004. Gespielte Geschichten. Struktur- und prozessanalytische Untersuchungen der Narrativität von Videospielen. PhD thesis. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.42%
___. 2004. Computerspiele(n): Medium oder Kulturtechnik? In Die Medien und ihre Technik Theorien, Modelle, Geschichte, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.91%
___. 2005. "See? I'm real..." - multidisziplinäre Zugänge zum Computerspiel am Beispiel von 'Silent Hill'. Medien'Welten. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.35%
___. 2005. "See? I'm real..." - multidisziplinäre Zugänge zum Computerspiel am Beispiel von 'Silent Hill'. 2., unveränd. Aufl. ed. Vol. 4, Medien'Welten. Münster: Lit. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.19%
___. 2006. Das Spiel mit dem Medium: Partizipation - Immersion - Interaktion. Vol. 14, Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GFM). Marburg: Schüren. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.08%
___. 2007. Computer/Spiel/Räume. Materialien zur Einführung in die Computer Game Studies. Hamburg: Inst. für Medien und Kommunikation. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.57%
___. 2007. Die Frage nach Gott oder - Warum spielen wir eigentlich so gerne Computerspiele. In Die Welt der Geschichten Kunst und Technik des Erzählens, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.09%
Computer/Spiel/Räume: Materialien zur Einführung in die Computer Game Studies. 2007. Edited by B. Neitzel. Vol. 5, Hamburger Hefte zur Medienkultur. Hamburg: Inst. für Medien und Kommunikation. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.66%
___. 2009. Metacommunicative Circles. Paper read at Conference Proceedings of The Philosophy of Computer Games 2008 at Potsdam. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.73%
Neumann, Birgit. 2008. An Introduction to the Study of Narrative Fiction. Uni-Wissen: Anglistik, Amerikanistik. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.07%
Ngai, Anita Ching Yi. 2005. Cultural Influences On Video Games: Players' preferences in narrative and game-play. Waterloo: University of Waterloo. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.37%
Nitsche, Michael. 2008. Video game spaces: Image play and structure in 3D worlds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.67%
___. 2009. Video Game Spaces: Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds: Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds. MIT Press Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.44%
Strategie Spielen: Medialität Geschichte und Politik des Strategiespiels. 2008. Edited by R. F. Nohr. Vol. 9, Medien'Welten. Münster: Literatur-Verlag. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.83%
Nohr, Rolf F. 2008. Die Natürlichkeit des Spielens: Vom Verschwinden des Gemachten im Computerspiel. Vol. 10, Medien-Welten. Münster: Literatur-Verlag. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.69%
Pacher, Jörg. 2007. Game. Play. Story?  Computerspiele zwischen Simulationsraum und Transmedialität. Game. Play. Story?, Computerspiele zwischen Simulationsraum und Transmedialität, Jörg Pacher. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.76%
___. 2007. Game, play, story?  Computerspiele zwischen Simulationsraum und Transmedialität. Boizenburg: Hülsbusch. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 3.75%
New perspectives on narrative and multimodality. 2010. Edited by R. E. Page. 1. Publishing ed. Vol. 1, Routledge studies in multimodality. New York [u.a.]: Routledge. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.15%
Pearce, Celia. 2005. Theory Wars: An Argument Against Arguments in the so-called Ludology/Narratology Debate. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference at Vancouver. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.64%
Serious Games on the Move. 2009. Edited by O. Petrovic and A. Brand. Springer Wien. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.69%
Phelan, James. 2005. A Companion to Narrative Theory. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.84%
Presto, Peter. 2007. Soundchip-Musik: Computer- und Videospielmusik von 1977 - 1994. Vol. 9, Beiträge zur Medienästhetik der Musik. Osnabrück: Electronic Publishing. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.03%
Raessens, Joost. 2005. Handbook of computer game studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.64%
Rapp, Bernhard. 2008. Selbstreflexivität im Computerspiel: Theoretische analytische und funktionale Zugänge zum Phänomen autothematischer Strategien in Games. Als Ms. gedr. ed. Game studies. Boizenburg: Hülsbusch. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 4.08%
Röders, Stefanie. 2007. Literatur und Computerspiele: Analogien zwischen Detektivromanen und Adventure Games. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.23%
Ryan, Marie-Laure. 2001. Narrative as virtual reality. Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media. Parallax. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.44%
___. 2004. Narrative across Media. The Languages of Storytelling. Frontiers of narrative. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.49%
Süß, Gunter. 2006. Sound Subjects: Zur Rolle des Tons in Film und Computerspiel. Vol. 3, Focal point. Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verlag Trier. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.63%
Schmid, Wolf. 2008. Elemente der Narratologie. De-Gruyter-Studienbuch. Berlin: de Gruyter. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.94%
Schut, Kevin. 2003. Technology tells a tale: Digital games and narrative. Paper read at Level Up Conference Proceedings. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.11%
Selfe, Cynthia L. and Gail E. Hawisher. 2007. Gaming lives in the twenty-first century: Literate connections. @Gaming lives in the twenty-first century, literate connections, edited by Cynthia L. Selfe and Gail E. Hawisher. bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak  v    Pop. 19.06%
Simons, Jan. 2007. Narrative, Games, and Theory. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.39%
Sveinsdottir, Tordis. 2009. No Light Sabres Allowed: Role-playing in Star Wars Galaxies. In Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.4%
Swirski, Peter. 2006. Of Literature and Knowledge: Explorations in Narrative Thought Experiments, Evolution and Game Theory: Explorations in Narrative Thought Experiments, Evolution and Game Theory. Taylor &amp and Francis Ltd. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.26%
Tanenbaum, Joshua. 2010. Believability, adaptivity, and performativity: Three lenses for the analysis of interactive storytelling. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = Bibliotháeque et Archives Canada. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.66%
Tavinor, Grant. 2009. The art of videogames. 1. Publishing ed. Vol. 10, New directions in aesthetics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.94%
Trenholm, Sarah and Arthur Jensen. 2008. Interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.47%
Waggoner, Zach. 2009. My avatar, my self: Identity in video role-playing games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.85%
Wallin, Mark Rowell. 2007. Myths, Monsters and Markets: Ethos, Identification, and the Video Game Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.37%
Warnes, Christopher. 2005. Baldur?s Gate and History: Race and Alignment in Digital Role Playing Games. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.5%
Playing the past: History and nostalgia in video games. 2008. Edited by Z. Whalen. Nashville: Vanderbilt Univ. Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.19%
Williams, Patrick J. and Jonas Heide Smith. 2007. The players' realm: Studies on the culture of video games and gaming. Jefferson N.C. McFarland & Co. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.16%
The players realm: Studies on the culture of video games and gaming. 2007. Edited by P. J. Williams. Jefferson: McFarland. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.15%
Das Raumbild: Bilder jenseits ihrer Flächen. 2009. Edited by G. Winter. München: Fink. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.14%
Wolf, Mark. 2003. The video game theory reader. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 2.24%
Ziegfeld, Richard. 1989. Interactive Fiction: A New Literary Genre? New Literary History 20 (2):341–372. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.44%
Zumbansen, Lars. 2008. Dynamische Erlebniswelten: Ästhetische Orientierungen in phantastischen Bildschirmspielen. Vol. 16, Kontext Kunstpädagogik. München: kopaed. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.31%