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Zeigt 1 - 3 of 3 (Bibliograhpie: WIKINDX Gesamtbibliographie)
Creator:  Dieter
Conference Proceedings of The Philosophy of Computer Games 2008; 2009. Edited by S. Günzel, M. Liebe and M. Dieter. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.38%
Juul, Jesper. 2009. The Magic Circle and the Puzzle Piece. Paper read at Conference Proceedings of The Philosophy of Computer Games 2008 at Potsdam. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.54%
Neitzel, Britta. 2009. Metacommunicative Circles. Paper read at Conference Proceedings of The Philosophy of Computer Games 2008 at Potsdam. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.51%