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Keyword:  Musik
Collins, Karen. 2008. Game sound: An introduction to the history theory and practice of video game music and sound design. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.02%
From Pac-Man to pop music: Interactive Audio in Games and New Media. 2008. Edited by K. Collins. Ashgate popular and folk music series. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 6.76%
Jørgensen, Kristine. 2009. A comprehensive study of sound in computer games: How audio affects player action. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 100%
Presto, Peter. 2007. Soundchip-Musik: Computer- und Videospielmusik von 1977 - 1994. Vol. 9, Beiträge zur Medienästhetik der Musik. Osnabrück: Electronic Publishing. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4.18%