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Zeigt 1 - 3 of 3 (Bibliograhpie: WIKINDX Gesamtbibliographie)
Herausgeber:   (Vancouver)
Arsenault, Dominic. 2005. Abstract of Dynamic Range: When Game Design and Narratives Unite. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference at Vancouver. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.39%
Crogan, Patrick. 2005. Playing Through: The Future of Alternative and Critical Game Projects. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference at Vancouver. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 4%
Pearce, Celia. 2005. Theory Wars: An Argument Against Arguments in the so-called Ludology/Narratology Debate. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference at Vancouver. von: Max de Molière  v    Pop. 3.47%