
Journal Article: BibTex Zitationsschlüssel:  Garrand2006   
Garrand, Timothy Paul. 2006. Writing for multimedia and the Web: A practical guide to content development for interactive media. Writing for multimedia and the Web, a practical guide to content development for interactive media, Timothy Garrand.
von: Max de Molière 2010-11-19 14:04:02
Kategorie(n): Computerspielphilologie/GameStudies
Schlagwörter: Autorschaft, Interactive multimedia, World Wide Web
Autor(en): Garrand
Collection: Writing for multimedia and the Web, a practical guide to content development for interactive media, Timothy Garrand
Bibliographies: CSP-MehrbenutzerBib, Game Studies

Angeschaut:  1071
Beliebtheitsindex:  3.7%

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