
Proceedings Article: BibTex Zitationsschlüssel:  Heliouml   
Heliö, Satu. 2005. Simulating the Storytelling Qualities of Life: Telling Stories with the Sims. Paper read at Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference.
von: Max de Molière 2010-11-19 14:04:03    bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak 2011-02-11 17:15:43
Kategorie(n): Computerspielphilologie/GameStudies
Autor(en): de Castell, Heliö, Jenson
Collection: Changing Views: Worlds in Play: Proceedings of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association Conference
Bibliographies: CSP-MehrbenutzerBib, Game Studies

Angeschaut:  1153
Beliebtheitsindex:  3.99%

The stories vs. games debate has been prominent during the early years of game studies, and few
other perspectives have been introduced to the discussion. In the paper, Game Researcher and
Concept Designer Satu Heliö from Sulake Corporation introduces new concepts with which to
approach the supposed divide. She argues that concepts such as narrative mindset and social
schema provide better means to understand game features and player motivations regarding such
game genres as role-playing games and popular game series such as The Sims.
von: Gebhard Grelczak    bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak

Further information may be found at:

Satu Heliö
von: Gebhard Grelczak    bearbeitet von: Gebhard Grelczak