
Book: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  9781405125949 BibTex Zitationsschlüssel:  Monaghan2007   
Monaghan, Leila Frances and Jane E. Goodman. 2007. A cultural approach to interpersonal communication: Essential readings. Malden MA: Blackwell Pub.
von: Max de Molière 2010-11-19 14:04:05
Kategorie(n): Computerspielphilologie/GameStudies
Schlagwörter: Communication and culture., Cross-cultural studies., Interpersonal communication, Language and culture.
Autor(en): Goodman, Monaghan
Herausgeber: Blackwell Pub. (Malden MA)
Bibliographies: CSP-MehrbenutzerBib, Game Studies

Angeschaut:  1067
Beliebtheitsindex:  3.69%